When, Disney?? When will you give us Ursula's backstory?!
"We had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace.." — a rather tantalizing aside if you ask me. Of course, this classic 90s Disney story fulfills its unsurprising archetype: Disney princess meets prince, the loving but perhaps misguided father wants what's best. Happily ever after. My six year old self ate that sh*t up.
But as an adult I can see that King Triton is the real villain here. "As long as you live under my ocean, you obey my rules." Yikes. Patriarchy much? Triton clearly had an anger issue, and I for one am giving Ursula the benefit of the doubt on this one as yet another woman in power who fell victim to the fragility of a man. And to be clear, anyone who can pull off a strong red lip has my respect.
So, this one is for my fellow sea witches. We're here to slay.
If you want to try bit of Disney fashion inspiration for yourself, links are below. And please, for the love, tag me (@disneyisaverb) so I can see how fierce you look. Make your own magic, queens.
Black Studded Heels (You could completely pull off this look with black & white Converse-style sneakers, Keds, or Vans if you're leary of these. Halloween Party - heels. WDW - sneaks.)
**What is Disney Bounding, you ask? Disney Bound was not created by me (see Disneybound.co ) but it's basically Disney dress-up for adults. You take a character for inspiration vs. wearing an actual costume. Think of it like a fashion wink to your favorite Disney movies. If you are planning a Disney vacation I 100% encourage you to give it a try. We all loved dress-up when we were kids, and we never have to "grow up."
Stay magic, friends.
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